jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

Homeless and Houseless all the time can have disadvantages about their problems and why they decide to sleep on the streets or simple that some of them do not have a place to live but everything a big percentage of people that live on the streets can have some problems with their mind because their own reasons and I can support in the next phrase according to (Sacred Heard
Mission, 2014) made, show that the relationship between mental health difficulties, the social disadvantages, and traumas, presents a strong correlation.

Source: Oñate, B. (2017)

Source: Koehn, J. (2012)

San Jose Inside (2017) City Changes Policy on Homeless Camps available: http: recovered: may 17th 2017
Sacred Heard Mission. (2014). Sacred Heart Mission. Obtenido de https://www.sacredheartmission.org/understanding-homelessness/trauma-homelessness-initiative

Release Tracker Film (2013) Houseless available: http. Recovered: May 17th 2017

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

 Homeless Vs Houseless

We often confuse these words as if they had the same meaning or they connoted the same; which of course is a clear misconception.
Defining the two words as simple as it can be is the best way to describe the differences between both concepts:
“You may be homeless if you live in unsuitable housing, don't have rights to stay where you are or you're sleeping rough, even with a roof over your head you can still be homeless” (Shelter, 2016)

“The effects of houselessness stretch beyond a lack of somewhere to sleep at night. Houselessness means facing constant stigma and judgement. It means not having reliable access to a bathroom. It also means being criminalized for exercising human rights.” (Montufar, 2017)

Now that the concepts are out there we can confirm that they’re different terms; being houseless doesn’t mean your homeless or the other way around. When you’re a homeless person; you may not have a family or an actual place to call home however when you are a houseless you have no physical place to stay but you may still count with your family.  Being homeless has a deeper emotional sid often unseen.

Neira, E. (2017)
(Waldman & Fired, 2016)

(Dickinson, 2017)


Montufar, D. (2017). Houseless, Not Homeless. Retrieved:l 13/May/2017, from: https://viewfind.com/story/r2dtoo
Shelter. (27/January/2016). What is homelessness? Retrieved:l 13/May/2017, from: http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/homelessness/homelessness_-_an_introduction/what_is_homelessness
Waldman, B., & Fired, Y. (6/November/2016). Helping the Homeless: An Affair of City and State: Photograph. Retrieved:l 13/May/2017, from: http://yucommentator.org/2016/11/helping-the-homeless-an-affair-of-city-and-state/
Dickinson, D. (17/January/2017). Nomads discuss Houseless vs Homeless. Retrieved:l 13/May/2017, from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOGzO_2oOkg

domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

Why the definition of homelessness matters?

According with (House of Commons, 2005): ‘’The United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights establishes the right of every person to have “an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing and housing”
This is one of the most important establishments that we have as humans, and I agree with that because people need to have a good way of life it’s really hard to see people on streets that don’t have food or a house for live, when we need to take that establishment, of living in an appropriate way, as a priority every day for the rest of our life.
One of the biggest characteristics of a homelessness is that this people, like their name say, lack if home, and to have a home means, a family, people that give you love and are there to help in your problems or things like that, but they don’t have this, they are alone in the streets and feel a lot of insecure, they live afraid. And is our responsibility to help those people, I know that the economical situation is difficult nowadays, but the money is not always important, and the homelessness teach us that, they will be happier if we give them tools to fight with life, and talk about their problems and help them to solve their life, that’s our biggest gift.

Source: Sánchez, J. (2017)

Source: (Economic Roundtable, 2015)
Economic Roundtable. (12 de 04 de 2015). Economicrt. Obtenido de https://economicrt.org/tag/homelessness/

House of Commons. (27 de 01 de 2005). Recuperado el 14 de 05 de 2017, de Publications.Parliament: https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200405/cmselect/cmodpm/61/61i.pdf

Source: Rethink Homelessness. (26 de 07 de 2014). Youtube. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THxtcWNw3QA

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Runaways is the most important problem the biggest representation of human behaviour, the popular characteristic in this problem is that people that have this problem leave their house but before they leave their house they think in many facts that can help them to survive in a new environment without any adult because sometimes they think that when they are with adults the problems are bigger than any other and Throwaways is the action that the worst people do to their sons or family this action is when any person of the family say to other that must leave the house The human errors that this actions make are really dangerous because the people that do this action increase the percentage of violence and death of Young people and only because their feelings to this people or their problems not permit what they are doing the problems that they are causing to the social life to the social environment

Source: Oñate, B. (2017)
Source: (MissAmyEW, 2013)
MissAmyEW (29  Oct.  2013). Youtube. from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wNmaPkF4JE

Runaway is one of the most important problem in this century because here exist many facts, for example one of the most relevant action that this problem has is when the people feel alone or have problems with their family but the idea with this facts is when you see somebody that everytime stay alone they can be a runaway because in any moment of their life they say ok i do not have Friends and my family does not care me the better opcion that i have is leave my house and find a new life a new change but something that they do not know is that in the streets the danger is there.

Source: Oñate, B. (2017)

What about the family?

How is the family affected by this phenomenon of children running away from home? When you are concern for a certain issue…there is always too many stories to tell about that issue; as for example what happens to a family after a child has escaped home.
Of course the conditions are not the same neither for the families of runaways or thrownaways.
Since they both are so different the reactions of the families are going to be as well different.
For once you have the runaways’ families; after the incident and assuming they are good parents then they’re most likely worry for their child not coming home. Where did he or she go? Why did he or she go? And more importantly where is he or she now? They will probably report that to the police and be worrying sick until their child return home.

And then there are the thrownaways who are probably not going to be reported to the police, and whose families are almost certainly not worried about why they are not home since they may have been the one to kick them out or force them to leave. 

Source: Neira, E. (2017)

Source: (Chávez & Sánchez, 2016)


Chávez, R., & Sánchez, L. (2016). A runaway episode is one that meets any one of the following criteria:. Retrieved: 2017. From. http://problemsoftheteenagers.blogspot.com/2016/05/definition-runaway.html

Psycological side of runaways and thrownaways

What makes a teenager escape from home? There are plenty of factors that can in fact drag a young person toward this road however let’s just focus on the psychological side involve.
If you’re a runaway then the problem probably lies on misunderstanding which comes from miscommunication. Often when children start growing up the bond with their parents starts to weaken a little and so many things are left unsay, and of course leaving things for later isn’t exactly the best strategy. The results are those feelings of mistrust and misunderstandment that lead the child to run away, and the solution could have been as simple as talking.
If you’re a thrownaway is most likely that your decision isn’t totally wrong, since “Trauma in general is associated with homelessness in youth.” (Putt, 2014) Which means that your family situation wasn’t the best with this due to the economy, a conflict between the members of the family among others far worse. The solution may not be as simple as talking, and you should probably as for help.

So by all means there is a problem in each case, just in a different spectrum.

Source: Neira, E. (2017)

Source: (Edwards, s.f.)


Edwards, A. (N.D.). Overview of Adolescent Psychology: runaway teen. Retrieve from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/448460075371063504/

Putt, G. (27 de 04 de 2014). Runaway/Throwaway Children: Predictors and Preventions. Recuperado el 2017, de https://www.decodedscience.org/runaway-children-predictors-preventions/44560

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Real Story: Evan Lafortune.

In this video you are going to be able to know the story of Evan Lafortune, He is a  trans boy that was forced to thrownaway his home, because his parents didn't accept him the way he is, so he went from his grandparents, but they abused him verbally, so he decided to ran away, this case show us that even if you want to stay with your family, you can't continue doing it because it hurts you, and little by little you won't have more options that leave them.

Source: Sánchez, J. (2017)

 Source: (Times Union, 2011)

Times Union. (04/12/2011). Times Union. From: http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/My-parents-wouldn-t-accept-me-as-a-boy-2341889.php

To see the video, go to: 


What is a RUNAWAY?

The person that wants to runaway take the decision to escaped out of their home, they are not forced to do it, but they feel that they need to go out of their homes. According with (Cambridge English, 2013): ‘’someone who has escaped or run away from somewhere’’. But that no means that they know where they are going to go, because many of them life in the streets or in another unsafety place.

What is a THRONAWAY?

There is an important difference between a Runaway and Thrownaway, because the thrownaways, don’t decide to take the decision to go out of their homes, like (Hammer, Finkelhor, & Sedlack, 2002) say: ‘’the concept of thrownaway youth to characterize young people who were forced out of their homes or were refused permission to return’’. They are forced to go out, by their parents or their adoptive family and they don’t have the option to return again.

Source: Sánchez, J. (2017)

In this video we can understand more about it:

   Source: (Tibbo, 2016)

Tibbo, M. (10 de 05 de 2016). From  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5FdvkXLiWY
Cambridge English. (2013). Cambridge Dictionary. From http://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/runaway?q=runaways#british-1-2-1
Hammer, H., Finkelhor, D., & Sedlack, A. (10 de 2002). Scholars. From http://scholars.unh.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1015&context=ccrc


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