martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Psycological side of runaways and thrownaways

What makes a teenager escape from home? There are plenty of factors that can in fact drag a young person toward this road however let’s just focus on the psychological side involve.
If you’re a runaway then the problem probably lies on misunderstanding which comes from miscommunication. Often when children start growing up the bond with their parents starts to weaken a little and so many things are left unsay, and of course leaving things for later isn’t exactly the best strategy. The results are those feelings of mistrust and misunderstandment that lead the child to run away, and the solution could have been as simple as talking.
If you’re a thrownaway is most likely that your decision isn’t totally wrong, since “Trauma in general is associated with homelessness in youth.” (Putt, 2014) Which means that your family situation wasn’t the best with this due to the economy, a conflict between the members of the family among others far worse. The solution may not be as simple as talking, and you should probably as for help.

So by all means there is a problem in each case, just in a different spectrum.

Source: Neira, E. (2017)

Source: (Edwards, s.f.)


Edwards, A. (N.D.). Overview of Adolescent Psychology: runaway teen. Retrieve from:

Putt, G. (27 de 04 de 2014). Runaway/Throwaway Children: Predictors and Preventions. Recuperado el 2017, de

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