domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

Why the definition of homelessness matters?

According with (House of Commons, 2005): ‘’The United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights establishes the right of every person to have “an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing and housing”
This is one of the most important establishments that we have as humans, and I agree with that because people need to have a good way of life it’s really hard to see people on streets that don’t have food or a house for live, when we need to take that establishment, of living in an appropriate way, as a priority every day for the rest of our life.
One of the biggest characteristics of a homelessness is that this people, like their name say, lack if home, and to have a home means, a family, people that give you love and are there to help in your problems or things like that, but they don’t have this, they are alone in the streets and feel a lot of insecure, they live afraid. And is our responsibility to help those people, I know that the economical situation is difficult nowadays, but the money is not always important, and the homelessness teach us that, they will be happier if we give them tools to fight with life, and talk about their problems and help them to solve their life, that’s our biggest gift.

Source: Sánchez, J. (2017)

Source: (Economic Roundtable, 2015)
Economic Roundtable. (12 de 04 de 2015). Economicrt. Obtenido de

House of Commons. (27 de 01 de 2005). Recuperado el 14 de 05 de 2017, de Publications.Parliament:

Source: Rethink Homelessness. (26 de 07 de 2014). Youtube. Obtenido de

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