miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

The problems between first world and third world The typical problems of the first world is that they scare about normal things for example the devices that they use the problems at the moment when they buy clothes but in the development of their policies they are the strongest because the countries that are first world they have a strong economy and amazing infrastructure but in the problems in third world are poverty, drugs and the biggest trouble corruption by the government is the reason why many countries in South America and Africa have many Disagreements with their populations but the methods that the first world uses against its problems are better implement new laws but in third world its use violence and that´s it. Oñate, B. (2017)

Resultado de imagen para first world problems
(Adams, 2016)
(International Monetary Fund, 2001)
Adams, A. (04 de 08 de 2016). The Chive. Obtenido de http://thechive.com/2016/08/04/first-world-problems-that-will-end-all-civilization-26-photos/
 International Monetary Fund. (01 de 11 de 2001). International Monetary Fund. Obtenido de https://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/ib/2001/110801.htm

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