miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017

Fiveminded. (07 de 02 de 2016). Youtube. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdKZepHMFWE&feature=youtu.be

Fiveminded. (07 de 02 de 2016). Youtube. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdKZepHMFWE&feature=youtu.be
HISTORY. (14 de 02 de 2014). Youtube. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neb7dbPW0Sk&feature=youtu.be

San Valentine's Day is the day when you can express your feelings for other person that is the reason that in some countries is called The day of love in South America this is a typical celebration giving chocolates, candies and flowers in India is not a good celebration but a little percent give some flowers to their moms or girlfriends but in Middle East the situation that they are living there do not permit that they celebrate this day because this celebration is against his culture or they avoid their perspectives about their organization in some cases they are arrested to celebrate this day, all depence in the country and the freedom that you can have to celebrate this amazing day you decide if you want to say something importan to your girlfriend or boyfriend in a wonderful day only give and represent who you are. Oñate, B. (2017)

Cameron Macphail. (14 de 02 de 2017). The Telegraph. Obtenido de http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/st-valentines-day-love-lovers-chocolates-roses-romance/

Source: (Daily Mail, 2014)

Daily Mail. (2014). Obtenido de https://www.google.com.ec/search?biw=852&bih=796&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=valentines+day+people&oq=valentines+day+people&gs_l=psy-ab.3...6129.6973.0.7102.

Source: (MensXP, 2013)
Valentine’s day as a Stereotypes
People in our society have been feeling agree and desagree with this day that is part of our cultural diversity, because they believe that is a stereotype having only one day in which we need to show our love with gifts, chocolates, letters, because we have 364 opportunities to make it real, and not only 1 day.
One of the most famous stereotypes about love is, according with (Jongbloed, 2013): “Girls are crazy for romance”, define this as those girls that are in the world believing that a king, or a prince is going to save them, and also create the dichotomy, with girls of the new generation, those who have accepted the change and nowadays enjoy with an episode of Sex and the City, where the topic of love is taking easy.

Nowadays in our society we have a lot of diversity and that’s the reason why we can find different types of perspectives, relationships, and ways to show the love, because as most as we improve, most diversity we will have, as a personal opinion, I believe that we need to be open-mind when about love we are taking, because even you don’t know what the future is going to deserve for you, only knowing that the best is waiting for something new and paradigmatic.
 Source: Sánchez, J. (2017)
Jongbloed, K. (2013). How does valentine's day add to gender stereotypes? Recuperado el 26 de 07 de 2017, de http://stories.plancanada.ca/how-does-valentines-day-add-to-gender-stereotypes/

lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

St. Valentine’s Day: traditions

St. Valentine’s Day: traditions

Have you ever questioned yourself how some of the traditions we currently do started? Like you wake up one day and begin to think why am I doing this? Or why I have been doing this for the past years? And all the sudden you’re just there sitting in your room thinking about it. Maybe that happened to you or maybe is now happening to you as you read this.

And why not talk about one worldwide special date: St. Valentine’s Day. February 14th the day we celebrate love and friendship, one of the traditions that has taken place through the years is giving a Valentine’s card and in occasions signing the cards anonymously, now where this came from?

It was stated by Cossar (2013) that: “it wasn’t until the 1500s that written Valentine’s messages were exchanged in Europe” so it is clear that the idea of cards has its origins thanks to the Victorians who according to Macphail (2017)  “The Victorians, who thought it was bad luck to sign Valentine's cards with their names.” So they were also the ones who spread the idea of signing cards anonymously.

As you can see many of these traditions had their origins way back in history in  ways you may not even imagine, it’s pretty much as the origin of the holiday itself.

Neira, E. (2017)

(Foster, 2014)


Cossar, V. (6/February/2013). When did the tradition of sending Valentine’s cards begin? Retrieved: 22/July/2017, from: http://metro.co.uk/2013/02/06/when-did-the-tradition-of-sending-valentines-cards-begin-3382487/
Foster, A. (2014). Eres mi persona la tarjeta de felicitación, tarjeta romántica divertida, tarjeta del día de San Valentín, tarjeta humorística, tarjeta de San Valentín. Retrieved: 22/July/2017, from:  https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/236069564/eres-mi-persona-la-tarjeta-de?ref=finds_hl
Macphail, C. (14/February/2017). But why do some people leave anonymous cards? Retrieved. 22/February/2017, from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/st-valentines-day-love-lovers-chocolates-roses-romance/

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

The problems between first world and third world The typical problems of the first world is that they scare about normal things for example the devices that they use the problems at the moment when they buy clothes but in the development of their policies they are the strongest because the countries that are first world they have a strong economy and amazing infrastructure but in the problems in third world are poverty, drugs and the biggest trouble corruption by the government is the reason why many countries in South America and Africa have many Disagreements with their populations but the methods that the first world uses against its problems are better implement new laws but in third world its use violence and that´s it. Oñate, B. (2017)

Resultado de imagen para first world problems
(Adams, 2016)
(International Monetary Fund, 2001)
Adams, A. (04 de 08 de 2016). The Chive. Obtenido de http://thechive.com/2016/08/04/first-world-problems-that-will-end-all-civilization-26-photos/
 International Monetary Fund. (01 de 11 de 2001). International Monetary Fund. Obtenido de https://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/ib/2001/110801.htm

martes, 4 de julio de 2017

First world problems- piques Vines copilation

First world problems- piques Vines copilation 

(Best Musical.ly, 2015)


Best Musical.ly.  (2015). First world problems- piques Vines copilation. Obtain from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsuAFuOy464&feature=youtu.be 

First world problems song

First world problems song

(AlYankovic, 2014)


AlYankovic. (2014). First world problems song. Obtain from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwvlbJ0h35A&feature=youtu.be

First world problems

First world problems 

(Nigahiga, 2014)


Nigahiga. (2014). First world problems pt2. Obtain from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cl7TY92rd4&feature=youtu.be.

How is vanity related to first world problems?

How is vanity related to first world problems?

When we heard the world problem we instantly start thinking about serious things, the consequence of something big, something that could change us and shape us and we can even become overdramatic about about this specific issue. But then if you paid close attention to the title you would know by now that this is not going to be about troubles or real struggles that demand importance.
Let’s just begin to point out some definitions so we can start getting to the real stuff:
What does vain even means? “Excessive pride in one’s appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit” (Citroën, 2014)
And of course as stated before in this blog first world problems stand for “A relatively trivial or minor problem or frustration” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2017)
But what would they even be connected in the first place? It may seem as though they don’t have anything in common but truth to be told if you start to think hard about it you could say that most of these struggles have their roots on vanity since people who complain about problems of the first world are basically complaining about commodities that many people in the world don’t get at all.

Neira, E. (2017)

(ALAN, 2016)


ALAN. (December de 2016). First-World Problems. Obtain from: https://alanberg.com/first-world-problems/
Citroën, L. (2014). The insanity of vanity. Obtain from: http://www.unleashingyourbrand.com/the-insanity-of-vanity/
Oxford Dictionaries. (2017). Definition of first world problems. Obtain from: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/First_World_problem

lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

First World Problems

According with (Oxford Dictionaries, 2017), are: “A relatively trivial or minor problem or frustration (implying a contrast with serious problems such as those that may be experienced in the developing world)”. In the rap that we were watching in class, we found many different kinds of “first world problems”, and those were about the typical things that we want to consider as a problem, but they are not, in my opinion it is not necessary to consider them as a problem, because if we compare a real problem like… the healthcare of a member of your family, and the unknown Wi-Fi password of your neighbored, which is more important?, Well we know the answer.

(Huffington Post, 2017) Give examples of Ridiculous “First World Problems”:

“I Need a Vacation from This Vacation”

“Wish You Were Here... Instead of Me”

“No service”

“No Wi-Fi”

Those are problems that we can solve by our own, but as first world problems, are the typical things that we know that are the easiest to solve and we continue in the same road.

Sánchez, J. (2017)
Source: (Benjamin Studebaker, 2013)
Benjamin Studebaker. (23 de 02 de 2013). Obtenido de https://benjaminstudebaker.com/2013/02/23/first-world-problems/
Huffington Post. (2017). Obtenido de http://www.huffingtonpost.com/streeter-seidell-/first-world-problems_b_4117701.html
Oxford Dictionaries. (2017). Oxford University Press. Obtenido de https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/First_World_problem

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