According with (BBC, 2016) : Truancy means missing school on a regular
basis for no good reason. It is also sometimes called ‘unauthorised absence’.
This topic is
impacting I n our society in a really heavy way, because the teenagers are the
future of our civilizations, and teenagers without education, are only irresponsible
people without the valous of a society must have to work in common in order to
follow the same purpose.
But… how can It impact on their future?
Being out of school during school hours gives
your child time to kill - and research has shown that this can lead to criminal
or antisocial behavior.
And parents as legal representatives of truants
can be finning in a heavy way if they don’t control their children.
There is one
thing that is important, parents and teenagers need to remember every single
moment, that them as our parents need to give us all the support we need, working
in groups to develop successfully in life.
(Sánchez, J. 2017)
BBC. (25 de 05 de 2016).
BBC. Recovery from
The Star online. (23 de
05 de 2015). Google. Recovery from
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