viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017
Bonham, A. (05 de 02 de 2011). Youtube. Obtenido de
Movieclips. (19 de 10 de 2016). Youtube. Obtenido de
Second World War leff a big hole in people’s heart, acoording with  (Mail Online, 2016) "It was the bloodiest battle in our history" , according to some historians second world war was the number one slaughter in all human history, even tho it happened more than 50 years ago, the feeling stills remain since day one, even more to people who passed through it, including their families. Now there is only memories that have inspired many people including filmmakers, just like Roman Polanski, an polish director born in France.

The film is based in the book “The Pianist by Władysław Szpilman” tells the life of a polish jew pianist who lost everything, and who he escape the guetto to spend years hidding from germans, without having sometimes something to eat. They film shows the vulnerability of many jews who died in the worse way, also shows the most terrible ways of torture and discrimination towards a group of people who did nothing to die, remains the most powerful and awfull act of violence in a exponential place, this war last aroung 6 years and when it ended, it didn’t left nothing but saddness and hopeless people full of fear and leaving behind the meaning of humanity.

Mail Online. (08 de 02 de 2014). Historia y Bibliografía. Obtenido de
Mail Online. (05 de 03 de 2016). Mail Online. Obtenido de
The pianist Film Group. (2016). Youtube. Obtenido de

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017

The portrait in the movie

The portrait in the movie

A weird headline you would say, well yeah it is. The think I like most of it, it’s that it doesn’t give anything away so you may stay and read all the entry and discover what’s about or at least I hope you would. It’s well that some movies are based on real facts, real things that happened to some people; even some movies that illustrate bad events have a background that it’s not fantasy. Knowing this feels sort of sad, doesn’t it? Knowing that reality can be terrible too is a really sad thing, but we are here- alive- to deal with it and try to make the best out of everything even bad situations.

On note to that we can put an example out there: “The pianist” that is a “Roman Polanski's heartfelt and high-minded Holocaust movie - based on the true-life memoir of Polish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman” (Bradshaw, 2003) so you’re probably very well aware that this movie in particular portraits the journey of a man –jewish- who tries nothing but survive the horrendous atrocities of the time (World War II).

The real question, though is it accurately portrait? Yes, yes it is. You may think “you don’t know for sure you haven’t experience anything like that” and it’s true, but in reality we all can say it’s a good representation of the events, not necessarily because it’s based on a real life story, but because it illustrate what the human kind is capable of doing and how terrifying things can actually become. So yes, “The pianist” is a great movie that demonstrate how much suffering occurred to those people in those times. 

Oñate, B. (2017)
(Brody, 2002)


Bradshaw, P. (24/January/2003). The pianist. Retrieved: 2017, From:
Brody, A. (2002). The pianist. Retrieved: 2017, From:

The mask behind “The Pianist”

The mask behind “The Pianist”

That title sounded a little odd didn’t it? Well you must have already figure out that I’m referring to the movie called “The pianist” but if you haven’t, I am. Have you seen it? You probably have since it’s very well known in the world especially because its plot doesn’t revolve completely around a man who plays the piano, there’s certainly more to it. Now you must be thinking that it’s just an entry to refer to the Second World War, which might be true to a certain extend. This is an entry to actually stop to think what’s the message hidden behind this story and what can we learn from it.

The pianist is a heart breaking story about the tragedies people had to live during those years, so probably the message it’s just “Do not take for granted what you have it could be gone in a second” right? It’s just part of the message, one of the much lessons we can learn from this story. And if that’s not the main message what’s it then? Is “People have a tendency to adapt, make do and look on the bright side.” as (LaSalle, 2003) puts it? No, that isn’t either, though it’s a great lesson too.

The aim was probably higher, the main message will probably be among the lines “Never forget who you are on the inside, it doesn’t matter all the difficulties you’ve to pass, what matters is that you stay true to yourself” yeah that sounds right, doesn’t it? 

Neira, E. (2017)
 (Focus Feature, N.D)


Focus Feature. (N.D). The Pianist. Retrieved: 2017. From:
LaSalle, M. (03/January/2003). Masterpiece / Polanski's 'The Pianist' is a true account of one man's survival in the Warsaw ghetto. Retrieved: 2017, from:

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