Second World War leff a big hole in people’s heart, acoording with (Mail Online, 2016) "It was the bloodiest battle in our history" , according to some
historians second world war was the number one slaughter in all human history,
even tho it happened more than 50 years ago, the feeling stills remain since
day one, even more to people who passed through it, including their families.
Now there is only memories that have inspired many people including filmmakers,
just like Roman Polanski, an polish director born in France.
The film is based in the book “The Pianist by
Władysław Szpilman” tells the life of a polish jew pianist who lost everything,
and who he escape the guetto to spend years hidding from germans, without
having sometimes something to eat. They film shows the vulnerability of many
jews who died in the worse way, also shows the most terrible ways of torture
and discrimination towards a group of people who did nothing to die, remains
the most powerful and awfull act of violence in a exponential place, this war
last aroung 6 years and when it ended, it didn’t left nothing but saddness and
hopeless people full of fear and leaving behind the meaning of humanity.
Mail Online. (08 de 02 de 2014). Historia y
Bibliografía. Obtenido de
Mail Online. (05 de 03 de 2016). Mail
Online. Obtenido de
The pianist Film Group. (2016). Youtube.
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