jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPwzUNGXOXA
BBC Earth Lab [Hannah ]. (2013, October 22). How to find your perfect partner! I Number Hub with Hannah Fry I Head Squeeze (Video Tape 14) [Video file]. Recovered from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPwzUNGXOX
The Real Daytime [The Real Daytime]. (2013, October 22). Building the Perfect Man (Video Tape 14) [Video file]. Recovered from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpE6xnT7qlo
TheEllenShow [TheEllenShow]. (2013, October 22). The Perfect Woman (Video Tape 14) [Video file]. Recovered from https://youtu.be/ca5TlISt9EI
Pinterest. (14 de 05 de 2017). Obtenido de https://www.pinterest.com/pin/359795457701397528/

Against to the stereotype.
During the years, people have been created their “idealized perfect couple”, and also stereotypes in order to define the person created in their minds, even if they are women or males, those stereotypes are focusing only in the typical physical characteristics, but that is not going to define the person that your heart will chose, your perfect partner is not going to be someone that will love for how you look, furthermore the most that we find in a person is confidence, love and the most closed to a soulmate, even if this is just a myth, human’s heart and minds, still thinking in it even though if they knew the truth.
And believed or not, people are constantly believing that having a perfect couple is going to be the easiest thing in life, I mean the way that we will manage this situation and how the relationship will work with the past of the years, because we pretend that the hard work, and problems are things that only affect at the first stage of it, but an experience of (Cabaniss, 2017) it’s against that opinion.

She said “Good relationships take hard work. Sustaining a relationship over years is not for the faint of heart.” And if we starting analyzing it, this is one of the main reasons of why the people can’t find their “perfect couple” or “perfect relationship” because they don’t want to work in it at all, even if at their first stage they knew that this will be difficult, because the goal of finding the imperfect person, is the process of learning themselves and construct the stairs to achieve those real stereotypes that scream in their heads.   (Sánchez, J. 2017)

Cabaniss, D. (03 de 03 de 2017). HUFFPOST. Obtenido de http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deborah-l-cabaniss-md/good-relationships-take-hard-work_b_9358456.html

martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

The perfect couple among our life

The perfect couple among our life

What is the thought that often comes to your mind when you think about the perfect couple? It’s probably some kind of stereotype like “prince charming and snow white” that has been engraved to our brains since we are little kids or now days maybe you’re thinking more about “Elena and Damon” from the vampire diaries, yet those are just stereotypes, of course subconsciously we will look for partners had somehow match with those traits that we believe make the perfect couple.

As we grow many of us stop believing in the existence of such a thing as “the perfect couple” labeling as a sappy believe, although that’s not a rule that applies to everyone but is fairly general. Anyway when we end up in this place some of us tend to idealize love, a train of thought that often comes as “my special someone should be like this… and should be like that…” and so it goes on and on until we have so many standards that need to be achieve that we give up on the idea while others just avoid the topic in general deciding to focus on many other matters.

But wherever you end up, the perfect couple does exist it’s just not as you think it may be. Everybody has their perfect couple however it what you least expect because you should “Never judge a book by its cover they say. It’s what’s on the inside that matters” (Vasilopoulou, 2016)so me perfect couple are made from the imperfections both partners have. What is yours?
Oñate, B. (2017)
(Vasilopoulou, 2016)


Vasilopoulou, N. (2016). There is no such thing as ‘The Perfect Couple’. Retrieved August 21, 2017, from http://pillowfights.co.uk/mark-my-words/there-is-no-such-thing-as-the-perfect-couple/

miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017

The perfect Couple in pop culture

The perfect Couple in pop culture

Love. Oh sweet love, or at least that’s what everybody says because not everybody has had the joy to experience knowing the feeling; at least not in a romantic way; in spite of that everybody has actually come across some show, movie or some sort of media that can be related to it. Now days has become strangely common to watch tv shows as a hobby, mainly for teenagers which happen to always create new words and term to refer to certain things and so that’s how we find ourselves with an acronym that you may or may not have heard before: OTP.

OTP stands for one true pairing and is the current form most use by youth these days to refer to the so called “perfect couple” and not necessarily prince charming and Snow white; due to the fact that “More exposure to marriage-themed reality shows led participants to believe in “love at first sight” and that true love will be nearly perfect” (Hillin, 2014) so that’s what’s psychologically call idealization, yet it seems on the other hand that a lot of people have a tendency to believe that your OTP is a mechanism of projection of what you want/expect in a relationship with a significant other. 

Neira, E. (2017)

(Barnes, 2014)


Barnes, Z. (24/November/2014). Which TV or Movie Couple Is Your "One True Pairing"? Retrieved: 16/August/2017, from: https://www.glamour.com/story/which-tv-or-movie-couple-is-yo

Hillin, T. (18/June/2014). How Movies And TV Shows Are Changing The Way You Think About Love. Retrieved: 16/August/2017, from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/18/love-study-_n_5508965.html

Who is Jamal Malik?

Who is Jamal Malik? Jamal Malik was a child who did not have a good luck in the development of his childhood, along with his brother l...